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Hello, I’m Christine. Welcome to my site. I write about chronic illness and more specifically the Epstein Barr Virus (EBV). I was born with a compromised immune system, which can be traced back to birth, although it would take me years to make this connection.

I chose to write about my struggles of living with EBV, to add another, yet unique voice to the growing community of the chronically ill. I may have the same illness as thousands of people, but I am unique in how I will react to the pathogen in my body.

This blog will focus on the individual aspects of chronic illness and how these symptoms influence, hinder, and contribute to our daily lives.

I also decided to write this blog because I am a writer and have been since the age of eight. I kept a journal of the progression of my illness and the many paths I took in the endeavor to take back my health.

I am passionate about many things: biking, reading, eating, baking, and writing. It is hard to pick a favorite, but I do live to ride my bike: winding through forested trails, gravel paths, and paved rails; seeking glorious discoveries along the way – cascading waterfalls, amazing peaks, crystal clear lakes, babbling streams, and mighty rivers; with cherished companions along the way – fellow bikers, new friends, people you meet along the way, fields of cows and horses, and my ever faithful flutter of butterflies.

Killing the Mother Father derived its name from three sources: a gene, a doctor, and a fierce determination with a side of humor. The gene is an important gene that produces an enzyme that plays a part in processing amino acids. It is called Methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase (MTHFR). In an attempt to obtain answers, my DNA was thoroughly analyzed as a main culprit in my mystery illness. The doctor was a woman who fought quite hard for answers for her patients’ mystery illnesses, and who substituted father for the F word. It was my fierce determination to take back control over my life that kept me motivated, and my sense of humor that kept me grounded. I nicknamed the virus the mother father and the killing of It became my number one priority.

It is my hope that you will join me on this journey to amazing health, while we unravel the mysteries surrounding our unique illnesses or those of your loved ones. I welcome your comments, questions, and suggestions.