Yes, this is exactly how I envisioned my virus seducing my younger and impressionable self. It breezed into my life, all cool and confident with all the right lines. Much like a slick, used car salesperson; making it sound so glamorous, so chic, so enticing. How could I not want it?
I have the Epstein Barr virus. I am in an advanced stage, and as best my virus experts and I could piece together, it began at conception. It percolated along with me for nine months and arrived swiftly, spotless, and serene, unlike me who arrived utterly ravenous, as was well documented. I have always been hungry and therefore, more will be forthcoming on this subject.
Not wasting time the virus went right to work whittling away at my already fractured constitution, until it finally wore me down and I acquired an upper respiratory infection. That led to viral pneumonia, or the infamous walking pneumonia. I was six years old.
It went further downhill from there – rashes, hives, random food allergies, restless leg syndrome, and every flu or cold that came within a 50-mile radius it would seem. Into adulthood I was sick a lot and in the past had to use personal and unpaid days when I used up all my sick days at work. Today I work for myself, but please note downtime is unproductive time. Time is money as the saying goes and we will come back to this topic in a later post.
The virus progressed until it almost took my life, and in a desperate attempt to save myself I took a drastic measure and it worked. Drastic for me might not be drastic for you. My weight had plummeted 30 pounds from a healthy weight and I was diagnosed as clinically anorexic.
As my weight continued to drop, my alternative health care providers pleaded with me to get off the scale, as they believed it was detrimental to my psyche. They understood that my weight loss was the effect, not the cause. Epstein Barr was the root cause of the plethora of health problems I had faced my entire life.
What was the drastic measure I took? I was Paleo and went vegan overnight. I drank only green juices for a couple of weeks, which stopped the weight loss. My body could not process all the meat and other foods I was putting in it, while simultaneously fighting a vicious virus that had grown out of control.
Today I am well on the healing path, but not without difficulties. The key to beginning healing was alkalizing my body. You must put more fruits and vegetables in your body to empower your cells to take down the virus.
It is the daily struggles and symptoms of chronic illness that I will address in future posts in an effort to help those searching for answers. I welcome your thoughts and questions. Please join me, as together we are stronger.
March 2, 2020 @ 2:30 am
Very interesting subject. I am looking forward to learning more techniques to improve my health.
March 5, 2020 @ 7:02 am
Great! Thank you. Check back on Wednesdays for more ways to improve your health.